Friday, April 4, 2014

Science Fair Due Dates (Tentative)

Science Fair Calendar

Parents and Students,
Please follow the above link to see our Science Fair Calendars.  I will be helping the students on a weekly basis to complete their Science Fair Projects.   This calendar is my tentative plan for helping them complete the projects.  Please note the dates that materials will be due.  I will try to have the students create the material lists earlier than the actual due date (the Friday before they need them) ,but this date is created as the worse case scenario.  Students will need their materials by the following Tuesday, so they have at least four days to complete their experiments and collect their data.  If a students are needing to grow something, they will have to start their experiments earlier.  This will be done on a need to do basis.

Thank you again for your continual support.

Melissa Armato

Liberty County's Science Fair Packets

Dear Parents,
I wanted to make the Science Fair packet available for viewing, so that you can see what we are doing in class. You can also use this information to enter another project in if your child would like that option also. The projects we are doing in class are being done in groups. I did it this way to make it more manageable on the students, but if you have a student that would like their own project submitted just follow the directions in this packet.

Thank you for your continual support.

LCSS Science Fair Packet

The Scientific Method

This is the Prezi that we used in class to learn the Scientific Method.
Do you have any questions that you would like answered?
Start brainstorming for the TCE Science Fair!
Happy Brainstorming!!
Mrs. Armato